The Louisiana Legislative Auditor (LLA) receives allegations regarding local government agencies and quasi-public organizations (local auditees).
These allegations are reviewed by LLA Investigative Audit Services staff. Most allegations are sent to the CPA firm performing the local auditee’s audit or review/attestation engagement to address during the audit. Others are addressed by LLA Investigative Audit Services staff, or other LLA staff.
LLA sometimes performs an examination or investigation regarding allegations received regarding a local auditee. The investigation may or may not result in a written report.
The local auditee should provide LLA staff with all requested documents and information in a timely manner as they perform their audit.
The local auditee should also disclose to the CPA performing their audit or other engagement of any recent or ongoing investigation being performed by the LLA or any other regulatory body.
- My local auditee organization was the subject of an LLA investigation during the year. The investigation resulted in a report. Should I give the report to the CPA firm that performs our audit?
- My local auditee organization was the subject of an LLA investigation during the year. The investigation was closed, and LLA did not issue a report. How should I address this with the CPA firm that performs our audit?
- My local auditee organization was the subject of an investigation by the Louisiana Ethics Board during the year. Can I assume that LLA notified the CPA firm that is performing our audit of the investigation?
- My local auditee organization was the subject of an investigation by one of our federal grantor agencies during the year. Should I tell the CPA firm that is performing our audit?
- My local auditee organization is currently being investigated by the LLA. The CPA firm that is performing our audit said that the investigation has to be reported in the audit report even though no report has been issued. If this is correct, what will be reported?