Behavioral Health/Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities

Louisiana Department of Health

Louisiana’s Coordinated System of Care (CSoC)

Louisiana’s Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) creates a single point of entry for families of children who have complex behavioral health needs and are either in or at risk of being in out-of-home placement (e.g. group homes, juvenile detention facilities, residential treatment centers) by combining resources of the State's four child-serving agencies: Department of Children and Family Services, Department of Education, Department of Health and, Office of Juvenile Justice.

Bureau of Family Health, Children’s Special Health Services (CSHS)

Bureau of Family Health, Children’s Special Health Services (CSHS) works to ensure that children and youth with special health care needs in Louisiana have access to the health care and social services they need. These services are designed to minimize their disabilities and maximize their ability to enjoy independent and self-sufficient lives, including 1) direct health care services, 2) care coordination, 3) youth health transition, and 4) developmental screening. if wanted

Louisiana Department of Health

Office of Behavioral Health-Mental Health Services. The Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) provides statewide authority and accountability for all behavioral healthcare, including mental health treatment services, for Louisiana citizens. The law mandates that the local administration of the Louisiana behavioral healthcare system, including both community and residential services, is operated by independent health care districts or authorities: