Thank you for helping fight fraud, waste, and abuse in Louisiana. Your information begins the process for holding public officials and employees accountable for their actions. Your name and telephone number, as well as the status of your complaint, are confidential. Again, thank you for helping fight fraud, waste, and abuse in Louisiana.

Any agency or entity as defined in La. R.S. 24:513 that receives state or local government funds should use this form to report known or suspected losses of public funds or other illegal activity to the Legislative Auditor’s Office.

Your name, telephone number, as well as the status of your complaint are confidential.

Contact Information (optional)

While this information is optional, providing us with your name and telephone number will allow us to contact you with any additional questions.

Name (optional)
Title (optional)
Phone (optional)
Email (optional)

Report Information

What is the name of the entity where the loss or illegal activity occurred? (required)

Parish where the loss or illegal activity occurred?

What type(s) of fraud, waste, or abuse are you reporting? (Check all that apply)

When did the suspected loss or illegal activity occur? (required)
What is the suspected amount of loss, if any? $

Please describe the suspected loss or illegal activity. (required)

Name of the person who allegedly performed the illegal activity

Why do you believe the illegal activity occurred?

Are other public employees or private third parties involved?
Please include names:

How was the suspected loss or activity detected? (required)

Is the suspected loss or illegal activity continuing?

List the names of the possible witnesses to the suspected loss or illegal activity. (Please include contact information if possible.)

List the names of individuals who would most likely cooperate/help with the investigation. (Please include contact information if possible.)

Is an investigation in progress?
Please list the name of the agency or investigative body:

What actions have you taken to date, if any?

Has a police report been filed?

Has the District Attorney been notified?

Please attach any evidence or documents that support your allegations:
Attach file here:
Attach file here:
Attach file here: